Sunday 2 June 2013

Getting Started

Sunrise on Karongwe Game Reserve - South Africa
So here goes nothing! In a fit of procrastination (I'm supposedly currently tidying my room) I decided that it is high time I start up a blog. Why... you might ask, why would you want to start a blog? Well, the main reason is that I am hopeful that people will read it... that people will think I have something interesting to share... and that I, in my own little way, can do something to spread news of things that are beloved to me... mainly Wildlife.

This year, as I'm sure many that read this blog will already know (yes yes, Ida, we've seen your facebook status, we've seen photographs, you can STOP going on about it) I've spent the majority of the last 7 months travelling and studying in Southern Africa, and in just 4 months time will be beginning an MA in Wildlife Filmmaking at UWE in Bristol. I'm VERY exited. And so I hope that I will have some interesting things to share, I will do my best to remain committed and persevere with updating this site.

I hope you enjoy and continue to read,

Yours ever faithfully,

1 comment:

  1. Well done Ida! I'm looking forward to reading your posts. That's a beautiful picture at the top of this post - what kind of bird is that?
